
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
EPISODE #18: Master of Science in Product Management
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
You won't want to miss out on this latest Grad Chat episode dedicated exclusively to Merrimack's Master of Science in Product Management. Join us for an insightful conversation with Lisa Partington, currently serving as a Senior Principal Capture Analyst at Mercury Systems. Throughout the episode, Lisa shares her journey and provides valuable insights into the distinctive aspects of the program. While listening you will explore Lisa's decision-making process in returning to graduate school, driven by the anticipation of what she would learn rather than concerns about the workload. This episode also dives into the program's commitment to practical learning, where coursework seamlessly integrates with real-world applications. Also, Lisa goes over the advantages of Merrimack's online learning model, allowing you to pursue your master's degree while balancing work commitments. If you're interested in Merrimack's Master of Science in Product Management, make sure to tune in to this episode—it's a must-listen!